This is a very unusual Arts and Crafts Inverted Dome
with 12 amber slag glass panels and 12 white slag glass panels.
The shape of the white panels are very interesting and
it is a quite complicated compound bend. The effect
of the finished leaded glass shade is very three dimensional.
It is almost like the white panels are ballooned through the metal
framework. This is a really impressive piece of period craftsmanship.
Leaded Slag Glass Inverted Domes were made by slumping
or bending parts of sheets of Slag Glass and shaping
them into very interesting designs of different
colors and texture. The bending was done by heating
the glass in a kiln until it " slumped " to form the
shape of the various molds that were used. After the
desired shape was created the piece of glass was
surrounded by copper or lead foil which then allowed
the pieces to be " leaded " together with a soldering
iron to form the Inverted Dome.
These Antique Inverted Domes are very often
associated with the Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau period.
Their spare but interesting designs work well with the
parallel lines in Arts & Crafts furniture. Then some of
these Antique Lights had a more organic feel to them.