This is a Starr Fellows and Co. Neo-grec chandelier from 1855. During this period the architecture and furnishings were influenced by the Neo-classical movement in design. Also during this period, the use of allegorical symbols were part of the design in the furnishings.
This fixture has three great figural perched seabirds which is a symbol of land. Seabirds are the first sign a voyager would see when getting closer to land. So much movement and commerce was happening on the oceans and so many professions were related to sea travel at this time. Herman Melville had just published " Moby Dick ". The symbol for land was a symbol for home and the figural Gargoyles in relief were also a symbol related to the well being of the inhabitants of the home. The Gargoyles were guardians that you would also see as symbols in the architecture of the buildings.
The three oil lamps were symbols of enlightenment, shedding light on the goings on in the house. Neo grec Gas fixtures were the first fixtures powered by gas in the United States.